Gen 29, 2015
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NRDC-ITA new commander Gen Marchiò meets the press tomorrow at Mara Barracks in Solbiate Olona

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NRDC-ITA gen Riccardo MarchiòThe NRDC-ITA (NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy) Commander, Italian Lieutenant General Riccardo Marchiò, will meet the press tomorrow morning at around 11.30am at Ugo Mara Barracks, in Solbiate Olona, where the HQ is based 37 Km north of Milan.

This will be the first media opportunity since his assignment as NRDC-ITA Commander (link to related article here below): Gen Marchiò replaced Gen Giorgio Battisti on 24th November 2014.

NRDC-ITA is currently involved in operational-level exercise Trident Jaguar 2015, a joint military exercise aimed to turn NRDC-ITA into a Joint Task Force HQ (JTFHQ) and to provide an excellent preparation and coordination of effort for the upcoming scheduled final phase in Stavanger, Norway.

The Media Opportunity will take place at 11.30am. Journalists are welcomed at 11.00am. A light refreshment is also scheduled at the end of the activity (around 11.45am).

Related articles:

NRDC-ITA: cerimonia di cambio al vertice, il gen Giorgio Battisti cede il comando del corpo d’armata di reazione rapida della Nato al gen Riccardo Marchiò (24 novembre 2014)

NRDC-ITA in Paola Casoli il Blog

Photo credits: PAO NRDC-ITA

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