Giu 15, 2011
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It-Army Post Conflict Op Study Centre holds the 3rd Post Conflict Rebuilding Management Course in Turin

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By Jethro S.

Italian Army Post Conflict Operation Study Centre led by major general Flaviano Godio is currently holding in Turin the 3rd Post Conflict Rebuilding Management Junior Course which is dedicated to both civilian and military junior executive role belonging to MoDs, International, Multinational and Regional Organisation, Ministries, Universities, IOs, Gos, NGOs, other State Organisations and enterprises dealing with the sensitive Post Conflict Operations management activities.

The first class lectures coming from mainly PHDs professors from Italian and foreign Universities and UNSSC, ICRC, War Correspondent and Italian Minister of Foreign affair key members are particularly aiming to provide attendees with the technical and professional knowledge and skills required in crisis areas for a better understanding of complex multifunctional processes and activities related to such a critical environment.

This yearly course is structured within three modules spread from 6-22 June where close to mainly doctrinal ones as the geo-strategic overview on the main current scenarios as Lebanon, Kosovo, Afghanistan there are lectures on Rule of Law, PI & Media on S&R as well as Cultural Awareness with some practical studies on the Crisis Management, lying mainly on the S&R Ops.

Finally the last half week is dedicated to working groups activities where attendees are split and stimulated to develop role play especially on “negotiation techniques” and on operational planning exercise played within a concrete scenario.

This course will probably enhance attendees comprehensive view of all Agencies involved in Post Conflict Operation (PCO), understand the rationale behind military operations, improve each one knowledge on the importance of the main geo-political and economic factors vitals to develop a successful PCO within strengthening their familiarity on increase an inter-agency cooperation capabilities.

Jethro S.

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Photo credits: Esercito Italiano