Apr 22, 2012
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Italy and India, two twins hanging around

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By Cybergeppetto

After two months, the case of the incident in which two Italian marines are charged for murder for having allegedly killed two fishermen is still there showing the attitude of two governments unable to do any positive action and unable to take any appropriate decision.

If I was a pirate I would have been laughing because the international anti piracy efforts are now, at least in Italy, questioned by the media and the public opinion following to the case of the two Italian sailors.

After two months we know that a murder case was conducted without an authopsy, or an authopsy was conducted, maybe, without granting the marines’ lawyers the possibility to verify the procedure and the results.

After two months we do not have any report on the weapons confiscated on the involved ship, named “Enrica Lexie” by the “Fratelli D’Amato” Company. The accused people is not able to know the content of the ballistic search report conducted, but the media are speculating a lot and parts of the report came public.

After two months we continue to read on the Indian media all sorts of speculations on the incident without any solid element, while the Italian media are keeping a low level posture not to harm the poor image of the Italian government, the so called “governo tecnico”, a government not elected by the Italian people.

After two months Indian authorities are not even able to state where the incident happened, probably because this would cut any discussion about the applicable law on a ship in the deep sea. A GPS is probably missed in the Indian side.

We have read numerous statements of the Kerala political authorities openly accusing the marines, something really horrible in a State in which the Judicial System shouldn’t be subject to any political interference.

The Indian central government does not seem to have a foreign ministry able to treat the case properly and to show a positive approach of India in the field of anti-piracy or, at least, the ability to comply with basic international rules such as the maritime law.

It is  really funny to see two governments hanging around while the result of a local investigation continue to be far away, it is even more funny the fact that the local judicial system do not dare to take a decision on the applicable law, since it is more than clear that a flag on a ship is the only element to state.

While the time is passing by, the Italian government has decided a very disputable action by declaring the intention to offer a money compensation to the families of the victims, so that the Italians will continue to be perceived as the people offering money to get out of this cases and accepting any blackmail. If the marines, as it is really probable, are innocent, the “compensation” is an insult to two public servants engaged in an anti piracy mission.

How many months are needed to solve the case? Is the fight to the Piracy still in place? Is Indian government able to comply with the maritime law? Is the Italian government able to stop offering money everywhere for any kidnapping?

When this story will be over, the two governments will remain with their bad reputation, soldiers are not kids to be left somewhere unattended or to be kept illegally.


p.s. Do not join the Italian Armed Forces, do not join the Indian judicial system…

Articolo correlato:

India, time to step back – By Cybergeppetto (7 marzo 2012)

La vicenda dei marò italiani in Paola Casoli il Blog

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